Tuesday, 16 November 2010

Four letter word. LOTS of meaning ❤

Could be love, could be toxic ☢ ☣either way it could hurt and either way it could feel good. 
there are many reasons.... But why do i have to fall for you. Once again, falling down this path of what they say is true. I never believed in this and still wont. Whats there to believe? the fact that you don't like me the same way i did for that long? i wish things could change, i wish i could change what i feel about you.. So you wouldn't have to go though this.

                       I try my best to hide it to pretend to be some one else who doesn't care but you see though my eyes and can tell that i care.
                                       Could you be the first? could you be the last? 
                                          either way this are the same from where we started. i just hope that he has no clue that i have feelings for him. either way, he will find out though me though gossip. though broken promises and lies.
                      Like a beautiful flower. When the times right it will fade, the same for me and you the feelings will fade as the time will pass and I'm telling you now if you want the chance take it now. Other wise its too late and she will fade. But its all up to you, i can wait. i don't mind you will always be there not catching me as i fall and get up to run back to you.

                            stumble and cry on the floor begging for forgives and to get over you. NOW that's too far, we both know it wont go that far XD but trust me now. take your chance and there wont be any regrets.

                                                          either TOXIC,GAMES, TRUE LOVE       ☢ ☣ 

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